Why Business Process Automation is a Must for CIOs

You are frequently asked, as a Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Innovation Office (CIO), who reports to a CIO, where you are in your digital transformation journey. You can answer with anything from “just about to begin” to “just nearing completion.” Automation is your best option to drive digital transformation in your company at the speed of light. As someone constantly looking for ways to save money and time at different stages of your organization’s lifespan, BPA is the most effective solution available!
You will learn about BPA in my article and get at least three reasons why you should consider it as soon as you finish reading it (or save it and read it later, it’s a free world! ).

What is Business Process Automation (BPA)

Watson, it’s simple! Business Process Automation is automating a business task that would have been done manually otherwise (I didn’t even need to write this blog post for it, did I?). This can range from creating purchase orders to digitizing customer service.
BPA is doing what our mothers always told us to do: set up a process on the first try, or everything will fall apart when you open your cupboard. Automating business processes will streamline your workflows and improve your business’s operations.

Why should you consider my proposal?

Scratch it! I just finished a film of my own. Let’s move on to some valid reasons why my love for human beings is one-sided (after the blatant theft of points for the “tongue to elbow” part).

Why automation: We live in the virtual world

We have learned from the past two years that we must prepare for the worst and do our best. You need to consider how you can pandemic-proof your business without affecting your workflows or operations. It would help if you decided whether you want to automate your business, see that it is digitally transformed, and begin your journey toward complete intelligent automation. Here’s a link to our blog about intelligent automation.
Use tools to create and manage your robot and human employees.

Why Business Automation? You get more than what you asked for

Whether you realize it or not, you are constantly being watched by the top man. This is especially true when you let money slip through your hands. How can you convince them to invest a bit more in automation? If you want to achieve the following benefits, you should prioritize automating your business processes.

Automate all manual tasks to save time.

Workflows that are simple and easy to follow will eliminate human error. They also reduce employee stress while providing excellent service.

Save money by choosing phase-wise automation so that you can control how it moves.

Why Business Process Automation is a good idea: You can make better decisions.

Business process automation increases transparency and gives you complete control over each process. You can make better decisions, making your business more stable and profitable.
Automation allows you to allocate your resources better. Workflow automation tools or tools like Nitor’s FlowMate will help you to deliver to your customers better and faster. They also provide customizable metrics at each stage of the workflow.

What is Business Process Management (BPM) and Digital Process Automation (DPA)

Although I chose to concentrate on Business Process Automation and how it can increase employee productivity, I thought that its cousins, Business Process Management and Digital Process Automation, should also be mentioned.
I mention them because BPA is focused on automating often repeated and predictable processes. BPM focuses more on the strategy – giving an overview of the business processes which need to be automated. DPA focuses more on digital transformation, customer experience, and innovation.
Let me elaborate a little – so the ‘What-needs-to-be automated part’ is solved by Business Process Management; the ‘How-to-get-it-automated part’ is translated by Business Process Automation; and finally, the ‘how-to-engage-customers-and-enhance-user-experience part’ is translated by Digital Process Automation.
Your journey will begin with Business Process Automation and end with Digital Process Automation, where you bring everything together. People, businesses, apps/technology, and data combine to create an agile, continuously improving organization.
Automation can help increase productivity and reduce costs. It can also make deployment faster and prevent errors caused by human error. We can debate about robots taking over and doing everything. But a human sits under an apple to sum up how the world functions. Let’s think and let robots do the rest! Ready? Get, Set, Automate!

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