How to select a cloud-based platform for CI/CD in your business

Cloud computing has a lot of potential. It can help companies to increase scalability and engagement while keeping data secure. This blog will discuss cloud-based continuous deployment and integration (CI/CD), why it should be hosted in the cloud, how to select a cloud-based CI/CD platform, its benefits, and more.

Learn all about cloud-based CI/CD.

It can be described as a way to deliver apps to customers through automation at the different stages of app creation. It allows for continuous monitoring and ongoing automation throughout the lifecycle of an app. It is a collection of practices that DevOps uses to automate the testing and deployment of code. The combination of DevOps and cloud technology increases collaboration and productivity.

How do you choose the right cloud-based platform for CI/CD in your business

When choosing between CI/CD platforms, you must consider certain factors.

Select an open-source tool, proprietary, or customized solution – Decide if you want to use an open-source tool or proprietary in your business. Open-source software can be used for free, but developers may change the code or not finish developing it. Proprietary software includes support, including hands-on assistance to resolve issues. Some vendors may also allow you to customize the software according to your needs.

Define the hosting model. Determine whether you will use SaaS, cloud, or on-premises. You can choose to run the solution on your server or use a SaaS-based solution, a cloud-based service you pay for. Select the suitable model, as adding a CI/CD to your development toolchain comes with a cost. Answer questions such as: How many builds will you be performing, how many users do you require, etc. This will allow you to choose the best model for your business.

Select the right tools for your business – You need tools with an excellent user interface, ease of use, a low learning curve, and community support. Your CI/CD tools should be easily accessible to everyone on your team. Check if it is intuitive. Also, see if there are any training materials available.

Think about the security of data. Choose a SaaS or virtual infrastructure tool to ensure your business data and information is safe. Look at data storage and retention factors because you may need to refer to test results during quality assurance or audit. Many CI/CD options are available, but selecting the one that best suits your project is essential. Here are a few points to help you analyze and understand your business needs before making any decisions.

You should now be able to identify CI/CD platforms and know how to choose them.

Let me introduce you to the stages of the CI/CD Pipeline.

The steps of the CI/CD pipeline

The four stages of the CI/CD pipeline are:

Source This focuses on source code, version control, and tracking changes.

Build This involves the creation and compilation of codes. It is also considered continuous integration. This stage consists in integrating new code while identifying issues and potential conflicts.

Test () – This is a test that involves the automated testing of code to validate the software’s behavior. Computerized tests are performed in this stage for both continuous delivery and deployment.

This is the last phase of the deployment process. The package is now ready for production and quality assurance. This stage is automatic and happens in continuous deployment.

The CI/CD pipelines produce more reliable and faster software releases.

Learn why companies choose cloud-based CI/CD and its benefits.

Why is it beneficial to host CI/CD on the cloud

Hosting on the cloud costs little and includes services such as onboarding, infrastructure support, security, and CI/CD m, maintenance. These services offset the costs incurred by the cloud.

Hosting your CI/CD on the cloud lets you interact with your quick source code repository.

A faster delivery of products leads to frequent updates for customers and a higher level of customer satisfaction.

You now know why you should choose cloud-based CI/CD. Let’s look at the benefits.

Benefits of CI/CD Platforms

Automated deployment reduces the time to deploy.

Reduce costs associated with traditional software developments

Receive continuous feedback on your improvement

Improved ability to detect errors early in the development process

Enhance team collaboration and System Integration

Let’s look at the most common use cases of CI/CD to understand it better.

Use Cases

Use Jira or GitHub to access the performance and quality of your deployments.

Use the visual dashboard to track all your pull requests, commits, and other changes.

Customize your dashboard and set your alerts to keep track of your pipeline.

Prevent delays and maintain the quality of your product by detecting problems early in the product cycle.

Provide your QA team with a unified platform to view code coverage and the history of PR.

With the help of this blog, I hope you can choose the best CI/CD solution for your business. You can read our blog to learn more about how you implement CI/CD with Azure Data Factory. Contact us via Nitor Infotech for more information on related topics.

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