Social Media for Small Business: Why it’s a Good Idea

Regarding Social Media, the one question that Small and Midsize Businesses want to ask is: Is it Worth It?

It is. Here are five reasons.

You can stay on top of your competition

A recent study by the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth found that America’s fastest-growing private companies adopt social-media marketing initiatives at much higher rates than other companies.

Vistaprint specializes in small business and has studied small business marketing trends. The results showed that small businesses will likely increase their online marketing efforts next year.

Takeaway: Businesses that embrace online strategies now will grow faster. Trends indicate that your competitors if they haven’t done so already, will expand their marketing to social networking by 2010. Social media users will see a faster growth rate and more sales. Are you?

You can reach further with this app

The Takeaway: Use Social Media to get in front of many people interested in your message. The first step in making a sale is to connect with prospects. How many options of quality did you reach today?

Search engine optimization is made easy with this tool

Search engines love to see activity. Participation in social media increases your online visibility. Your SEO will also be improved by posting new content to your website and sharing the link via your social media channels.

Takeaway: Prospects searching for your company will find evidence of your activities through multiple links to your website. Your website will be ranked higher than a company with an electronic brochure as a website. Is your website the electronic brochure, or is it your site?

You can build trust with your prospects

Today, prospects turn to the Internet for information. Your absence raises more than just a suspicion. Chances are more likely to trust companies with an online presence.

Takeaway: Prospects associate an absence online with a company that is not engaged with its customers and has no message to share. They may also wonder what you are hiding. Customers look for vendors they trust and can easily find when purchasing. You claim to offer excellent customer service, but you make it hard for your customers to see you.

It is a respect for compressed schedules

Social media activity lets prospects know who you are and what you do. It also shows them where and when you do it. Before the first meeting, candidates can get all of this information. You will be seen as a reliable source of information when they are ready to make a choice.

Takeaway: People choose the path with the least resistance. You can give them this path by using social media. Do you still require prospects to give up time to meet with you to get information they can find online… from your competition?

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