How to Create a Great LinkedIn Page

LinkedIn has 238 million users, according to the latest data (2Q13). LinkedIn’s popularity continues to grow as it remains a popular online destination for networking, hiring, and financing.

Then, it makes sense to check if your LinkedIn page is among the best. If you do not have a LinkedIn presence, this is your chance to make a splash.

Branding is important

Visitors to LinkedIn who are looking for more information about your business will see your cover photo first. Your banner on LinkedIn must be easily identifiable, in line with your brand, and of high quality. Here are some tips:

Keep your LinkedIn banner as distinct as possible from your Facebook and Twitter banner images.

Choose between a square or a standard logo to accompany your updates. Select each carefully to ensure that it fits properly and does not look distorted.

Make sure that your website is properly linked and works correctly.

Showcase your products and services in an attractive manner

The way you present your products and services will directly impact the number of LinkedIn users who visit your website. The testimonials and reviews are prominently displayed on the Products & Services Page. Utilize their power by asking your customers to endorse your products and services via the LinkedIn Request Recommendation Module.

Be heard and seen

It is wise to optimize the content of your LinkedIn company page. For better searchability of the page, use the keywords that your customers will most likely use. Avoid overusing keywords and buzzwords in the content. You can change the wording to ensure that your company name appears at the top of the list when you search LinkedIn Companies.

You may wish to list your locations if you have multiple offices. LinkedIn uses the site of visitors to narrow results. You can add as many as five locations to your profile.

How about adding a video on your LinkedIn company page to keep it fresh? You can use a short YouTube video of around 30 seconds to summarize your company’s offerings. A video that is well-made and has a strong brand can make it easier for people to click the “follow” option.

Attract the audience via advertisements

LinkedIn’s advertising options are definitely worth exploring. You can build up a huge following in no time. You can target the advertisement by location, job title, and other parameters.

Advertising is expensive, but it’s highly targeted and effective. You can easily reach a wider audience by spending a small amount of money on the business page for your company.

Add LinkedIn buttons to Your Site

Social plugins allow you to share your content quickly on various social network platforms. You can also direct visitors to your LinkedIn business page by promoting your content. Choose from the share, recommend, follow, or endorse buttons to refer traffic to your LinkedIn business page. Place the buttons strategically on your site to maximize their potential. Choose those that you think are most important.

Use insights to their fullest

LinkedIn Insights are also an important component of creating your business page. These insights are comprehensive and give you a detailed breakdown of the impressions per posting, user engagement, demographics of followers, etc.

You should consider using insights to help you develop your business page. This is especially true if you use targeted posts to draw in new audiences. You can use insights to understand your audience better and cater to their needs. You can also monitor the success of your efforts.

Create a LinkedIn Group for Your Company

LinkedIn groups are a great way to get people talking on LinkedIn. You can encourage your customers to interact with you by creating a LinkedIn group dedicated to your company. It is important to create a LinkedIn Group dedicated to your business in order to build your authority through your comments and posts.

Update your social media regularly

Keep them coming with regular updates of information, tips, and comments. Keep in mind your target audience when you share information. Your goal is to get them engaged and promote your brand. Share buttons will allow users to share your content easily. You can also encourage social sharing by adding a LinkedIn share button to your blog and business website.

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