Consider Business Presentations a Process and Not an Event

Presentations are still one of the most powerful tools for business development, even though many professionals find it difficult to do so.

You can increase your visibility and credibility with presentations by differentiating yourself from other people and demonstrating your professionalism and expertise every time you have the chance to speak in front of clients and prospects.

You’ll soon realize that creating an effective presentation is not a Sisyphean challenge if you approach it as a procedure rather than an event. Once you’ve mastered a process, you can reduce development time while increasing the return.

The process of creating, developing, and delivering an effective business presentation is called “The Seven Acts of Creating.” To maximize their potential, they must be goal-driven and result-oriented.

Develop a relationship with your target audience

It would be best if you discovered their beliefs, attitudes, or values before you can fully understand what will make them take action.

By adapting your materials to their frame of reference – the interpretive construct they use when processing information – you will be more successful at developing messages that resonate within their experience.

Interviews and surveys will help you gain a better understanding of your audience.

Clarify your purpose

What is the specific reason for your presentation? What is the expected response? Do not frame your expectations using intangibles like “enhancing, creating consciousness, and motivating.”

In other words, the focus should be on actions that can be observed rather than mental state. You’ll be able to measure your success better.

Create structure

A good introduction can overcome preoccupation, apathy, and uncertainty. It will do this by grabbing the audience’s attention, showing them what they are getting out of it, and by providing a roadmap for the presentation.

The body of the document will include key messages that support your strategic goal. A good conclusion will provide a sense of psychological closure, reinforce the key messages, and call to action.

You are more likely to get your audience to the desired destination if you have a clear structure.

Create rapport and trust to make an impression that will be positive and give your audience reasons for believing you

When you show your audience how similar you are, they are more likely to trust you.

Credibility is increased by providing evidence to support your messages. This can be in the form of examples, explanations, and expert testimony.

You’ll know what types of evidence your audience finds persuasive if you spend time researching them in Step 1. This varies greatly between people. For some, an emotionally-driven proof point is just as powerful as a logically-based one.

Influence others with persuasive language

Your language can create the mental states, perspectives, and involvement that will move your audience to take action. Choose active verbs and nouns that are descriptive and avoid cliches.

Be aware that the choice of language is more than just a matter of style. A unique and creative metaphor can help to shift the way audiences view problems and solutions.

Visualize your thoughts and ideas

By creating visuals later in the process, you can ensure that they are not overemphasized. Many presenters rush to this stage and dump all the information they have into a PowerPoint Template.

An example of a good analogy would be if a novelist, instead of focusing on plotlines, character development, and suspense creation, focused on fonts, page layouts, and cover design.

Effective visuals must be easily visible and understood.

Interest in the presentation is important

As with good acting, it is important not to draw attention to yourself when you are speaking.

The best delivery is akin to a natural conversation. Three things can hinder effective delivery: monotonous intonation that leads to boredom, vocalized pauses that cause distraction and speaking too softly, which undermines credibility.

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