Business Aikido – Gaining a Strategic Advantage through Leverage

Aikido students learn and practice katas, pre-arranged movements to help them deal with an enemy successfully. This centuries-old martial art teaches practitioners how to use an opponent’s force against them. The student has a distinct advantage when attacked by using this strategy.

What were strengths of Web 1.0 are now weaknesses of Web 2.0. Remember when big companies needed a lot of help desk staff, legions of programmers, and dozens of other people?

The flip side of the coin is important in Web 2.0. Intelligence and agility are essential. The co-creation of ideas provides a powerful tool, and the risk is shared. Knowledge is easily shared, which leads to faster development. Collaboration is everywhere, and there are only partners, no enemies.

If an SMB wants to be competitive in Web 2.0, it must consider several factors. SMBs can beat larger enterprises by adding value and making their internal and external environments highly collaborative.

Some Evidence

It is important to note that people are drawn towards ideas.

This can be seen in the comparison between two companies, Microsoft and 37signals. The first is a software giant that fervently guards its Intellectual Property (IP). Microsoft maintains a strong attitude towards customers and markets. Despite its staggering revenue contribution, Microsoft’s large, late Windows Vista has been met with mixed reviews.

37signals does the exact opposite. The company seems interested in creativity and attraction, creating software as a service (SaaS) applications that are just right for users. Basecamp, its product management tool, is collaborative. 37signals’ software is not difficult to use but can be time-consuming. Instead, the company uses tabs, an open space, and a simple font.

Adobe Photoshop is often criticized for being difficult to use. Adobe Photoshop Elements, which could be described as a “lite version” of Photoshop, was created in response. Boxed software may not be able to compete with great hosted ideas.

Shutterfly allows you to upload photos, share them with others, and create products using them. Shutterfly is not a static album. Users can create a collage of pictures and have them printed on a coffee mug or build an album online and then get it delivered. Shutterfly’s completeness is what makes it stand out. So many things are possible.

The software industry continues to move away from Microsoft’s closed platforms and towards openness, typified in Linux, Opera, and Ubuntu.

Corporations are now using open software, often reducing their costs.


The companies need to consider how their customers may use the products. The company may see the product as a piece of tissue, but consumers might see it as an art project, a temporary bandage for emergencies, or a health item.

Crafts like knitting, sewing, art, and quilting are all gaining popularity. Making things is becoming more popular. Make is a magazine.

Mass-produced products are a mixed bag. People want unique, unusual, engaging, and made with craftsmanship. Although selling mass-produced products is no longer as appealing, selling this type of item is still possible. But maybe it should now be personalized.

Early feedback from customers is crucial. It is not a good idea to wait until the prototypes are finished before asking customers for their opinions about fit, finish packaging, flavor, texture, or perceived value. As early as possible, incorporate customer feedback into your product cycle.

What To Do Now

Discover new uses. Products with new services create new markets. See your products with fresh eyes and expand your perception. Consider your customer’s perspective. Go out of your comfort zone and think up new uses.

Take part in the new trend. Discover ways to make your product or service work with the latest trends.

Make it unique for the buyer. Customize your product. Deliver it in the manner that users desire. It should be available on all platforms. Allow them to customize the interface. Allow the user to customize the interface.

Listening to customers today: Make systematized interaction with your clients a norm in your company. Make sure that all employees are involved.

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