How to create a successful business blog

This two-part series analyzes the steps to planning and implementing a corporate blog. In the first article on preparing a company blog, I examine the critical decisions regarding subject, mission, and audience targeting. A market survey is also conducted. Blogger selection, the selection of a corporate spokesperson, and the decision to “go” are all examined.

The second article on implementing successful business blogging discusses selecting tools for development, creating a content plan, launching, developing style and personality, and handling feedback. It also covers monitoring consumer discussions on your topic and enjoying the process.

Here are eight tips to help you plan a blog for your business.

Select your subject

Passion is the key to blogging. Successful business bloggers have a good understanding of their topic. They are also passionate. They are usually evangelists. The combination of passion, insight, and good writing attracts people.

Define Your Mission

What is the purpose of your blog? What are the goals? What problem will it solve? What is the gap it fills?

Independent business bloggers are motivated by “revenge” and “renown.” Business bloggers often hope to be recognized as thought leaders, which could lead to financial rewards. Some bloggers use blogs to criticize industries, companies, or opponents.

Corporate blogging should have a more ambitious mission. Missions: Improve company credibility, increase reputation, improve customer service, enhance interaction with them, give a “feel” behind company culture, communicate backchannel, promote openness, demonstrate innovation, discuss business issues, build confidence, create an early warning system, and more.

Identify your target audience

What are their interests? What do they care about? What are their needs? What can you do to get their attention? What can you do for them? How can you develop a relationship?

The first audience will inevitably consist of other bloggers passionate about the topic. To achieve success, you must first gain their respect.

Take a look at the landscape

What are the bloggers currently active in this area? What are their positions? What is their work on the issues? What is each blog’s “personality?” How will you position your blog about the “competitors”?

Browse other blogs in your field. Examine their archives, better understand their positions, agendas, and mission, and develop a sense of their online personalities.

Recruit your bloggers

The most important decision is choosing an individual as the “star.” Individuals, not companies, almost always write blogs. A corporate blogger should have most of the following characteristics:

Experts in the field of expertise

Passion for the subject

Strong Opinions

Writing skills that are solid (preferably with flair).

Plays well with Others

Time Available

Blog with commitment

Corporate loyalty

Respected by your peers

Reacts calmly when others are angry

Humor is a good thing

Bloggers are often self-selected, and they start their blogs on their initiative. Microsoft, for instance, has over 3,000 employees who are bloggers. It is best to encourage and support these individuals without trying to impose. Most will find an audience, and their blogging will benefit the company. By responding offline to a post, you can show employees that you are following their blog.

Refine the subject/mission of your blog and make it unique

You’ll refine your mission/subject based on the landscape survey and the person you choose to blog. What will make your blog stand out from others on the same issue? What is your blog’s “positioning” in marketing terms? What’s the “positioning” of your blog? Is it the expert? The expert? The linker? The helper? The linker? The inventor? The innovator? The idea person?

A voice and a point of view characterize successful blogs. What is yours? Both the voice and the viewpoint must be authentic. Fakeness will kill your blog.

Recruit a champion

A corporate blog needs high-level support from within the organization. This means a well-placed, powerful executive who can defend the blog unwaveringly when things go wrong (or when lawyers start to raise objections).

Pull the plug on implementation or start it

If you still haven’t managed to create a blog for your company, it’s time to abandon the idea.

Identify the appropriate mission

Find a niche that is relevant to your subject area

Find a specific target audience

Find a passionate person with personality, has wri skills, and has the time to commit.

You can get the support of an organization champion.

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