Are Free AI Tools a Risk to Your Business’s Security?

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) tools automate various business operations, including audio and video production, data analysis, writing, image generation, and art creation.
  • Some of the top AI security risks include data breaches and privacy violations, model poisoning, attacks, plagiarism, and copyright infringement.
  • AI cybersecurity risks can be mitigated using security tools and following best practices.
  • This is a guide for IT managers and business owners looking to automate their business using free AI tools.

Artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, can help increase efficiency and productivity in the workplace. They can assist with data analysis, content creation, and more. AI tools can pose serious security risks to businesses. These include data breaches, privacy concerns, and copyright violations.

We will discuss the most popular AI tools for business, potential security issues, and how to protect your business using AI technology.

What AI tools do small businesses use?

Small businesses can use many AI tools for free. These tools perform various functions, from creating text, images, and music to generating audio and video. Here are some of the most popular tools used today.

  • chatGPT: is a language-processing tool that helps automate the creation of content. Many companies use ChatGPT to quickly generate ideas and answer complex questions, saving time and money. ChatGPT can also be “taught” advanced tasks such as programming and data analytics. Visit the OpenAI Website for more information about ChatGPT.
  • helps automate content creation tasks. It can be used to improve your blog, create marketing copy and social media posts, summarize text, and more. Visit for more information.
  • ImagenImagen, a free AI-based tool from Google, helps businesses create high-quality visuals such as corporate images or logos. Imagen can be used for video editing and creation. Visit Imagen for more information.
  • SupertoneSupertone is a South Korean-based intelligent audio tool that assists businesses in creating audio content such as voiceovers and narrations or sound effects. It can also synthesize voices and has text-to-speech capabilities. Visit for more information.
  • JitterJitter is a deep-learning AI platform for businesses to create videos and animations quickly. You can use it to quickly create animated videos, explainer clips, and promotional clips. Visit the website for more information.

What are the security risks of free AI tools?

  • The inherent security risks of AI tools can have severe consequences for businesses.

AI tools can lead to data breaches and privacy issues.

  • AI tools collect, store, and process large amounts of data. Cybersecurity tools such as antivirus software or secure file sharing are essential to protect vulnerable systems from malicious actors. They may gain access to sensitive data, causing severe damage. Data breaches can occur.

AI tools are vulnerable to model poisoning and other attacks.

  • When malicious code or data is introduced into an AI system, it’s called model poisoning. This type of attack may corrupt the system, causing it to produce negative or erroneous results.
  • Open-source AI tools such as ChatGPT, chatbots, and similar AI tools are more susceptible to model poisoning, attacks, and data breaches.

AI tools may expose a company to plagiarism.

  • Text-based AI tools are associated with several risks, including plagiarism. AI can create content quickly but can’t produce text that is 100% unique.
  • A business that uses AI-generated material as its own, without editing it manually, runs the risk of producing duplicate content which could be flagged for plagiarism.

AI tools may expose an organization to copyright violations.

  • Copyright Infringement may be a risk for AI image, audio, and video generators. AI tools use data from the internet to create visuals, videos, and audio clips. AI tools can inadvertently copyright material without permission from the creator, which could lead to legal consequences.

How can businesses reduce AI security risks?

  • Security tools, software applications, and best practices in security can help businesses reduce the risks associated with AI tools.

AI Security Tools and Software

  • Use the following security software to protect against AI-related risks.
    • The TrojAI Framework: The TrojAI Framework is a Python Module developed by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. It helps detect AI model poisoning and other malware patterns. Businesses can use its repository on GitHub to detect and remove malicious data from their system. Visit TrojAI for more information.
    • OpenAI Classifier: Developed and maintained by the same team that created ChatGPT, OpenAI’s text classifier can determine whether the content is generated by AI or by a person. Despite its limitations, it’s more reliable than other text classification and plagiarism checkers. Visit the OpenAI AI Classifier page for more information.
    • IBM Cloud Identity Access Management: The management platform offers businesses secure authentication, multifactor authentication, and encryption. This platform protects against malicious code, unauthorized access, and data loss. Visit IBM’s cloud IAM Solutions page for more information.

AI Security Best Practices

  • Security best practices will help keep your business secure, even if tools and software are available to protect you.
  • Take a look at the following tips and best practices for security:
    • Protect sensitive data. Be careful with the information that you enter into AI software. It may be susceptible to data breaches.
    • Use manual input to cross-check AI-generated content. Detect plagiarism and copyright violations by using the manual input process. Use a plagiarism checker, for example, to determine whether AI-generated content was taken directly from another resource.
    • Train your employees on AI. Incorporate practical employee training. Employees should be educated on the risks associated with AI tools and best practices to use them. They should also learn how to recognize and report suspicious activities.
    • Consider paying for AI tools. Investing in paid AI software that offers better security and reliability is a wiser investment than free AI software.
    • Keep up-to-date on AI risks. Ensure your business is protected by staying informed about the latest security trends.
    • Handle data with care. Use a secure authentication method to protect data from malicious actors.


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